SPINTEX GROUP incorporated in 1967 by late J.P.Saria having vast experience Our founders have a deep technical & marketing knowledge in textile industries. Now the company is taken over by S.C Saria and Gaurav Saria. The company takes regular participation in national, international conference, exhibitions, etc. to continuously update itself with latest technological advances and make available to the market our latest products.
The business activities of SPINTEX GROUP is marketing of Textile Machineries, Spares & Accessories. Deals in various reputed Indian and overseas manufacturer
Machinery & Spares from Indian & Overseas Manufacturer's
We deals in Bobbin Transport System, Overhead travelling cleaner, Flocked clearer roller Machine, Synthetic Spindle Tape, Precitex aprons & Cots, Carding Accessories, Plastic card cans, All type of top rollers All type of plastics bobbins /Tubes, Bobbin Holder Spindles, Rings, Ring Travelers, Swatika Processing machinery, Heavy Duty Doubling machines, Flexible card Clothing, Woolen Metallic card clothing, Raising Fillet Stationery Flats, All type of Rings spinning Machines Digital Printing Machines Roller Coverings Compacting FELTS Spiral/Leazer blade Spinning/Woollen Second hand Machines